Thursday, November 8, 2012

Just be You

A couple of years ago someone gave me some wonderful advice, just be you and minister the way God has made you.  These words of wisdom came from my beautiful wife and for once I actually listened.  Several years ago I met with a very godly priest by the name of Brother Louie who told me that God had blessed me with a wise woman and I should listen more often.  Ever since that day I have worked at talking less and listening more to one of the Father's gifts to me, my wife.

As I travel about the church and observe what is going I have noticed that we are more concerned about how we appear to others than just being ourselves in Christ.  For example, there is the attractional preacher.  This is the preacher who is eloquent and so moving that others are attracted to his local church just to hear him preach.  In other words, there is a spirit of entertainment and a tickling of the ears that is taking place from the pulpit.  It is more important to be charismatic than biblically sound.  All one has to do is watch "Christian" television and see the smiles, hairdos, and massive audiences to see folks who are being entertained and not discipled.  I would challenge everyone to listen intently to any sermon and check it against the Word of God.  That is what the Bereans (Acts 17:10-11) did and they were commended for being a people of the Word.  Unfortunately, many times there is more fluff that substance flowing from the platform.  Is this the case because we are ashamed of the gospel and how it challenges us to live our lives?  Are we more interested in having an audience or making disciples?  I was once told I never would grow a church preaching on holiness and righteousness.  This person was right because I was more interested in making disciples and expanding the kingdom than growing a church. 

Not only is the issue attractional preachers but attractional churches as well.  In these settings everything is geared towards the unbeliever and what they might think if they happen to walk into the service.  We cannot let the Holy Spirit get to far out of hand, what will people think?  If it is of God they know it is not contrived of men but something far more powerful, God Himself being present.  A wonderful example is when a message is given in tongues it is for the unbeliever not the believer (1Cor 14:22).  Yes everything is to be done in decency in order but not so much order than the Holy Spirit is limited in how He can move about a congregation.

Finally, heresy upon heresy, let us have worship services that reflect who we are and not be ashamed!  If you like Southern gospel do Southern gospel.  If you like gospel do gospel.  If you like traditional hymns do traditional hymns.  If it is contemporary do contemporary.  If you like to run and shout, run and shout.  We are so concerned about what others might think that we hold back on praise of God because someone might not understand or worse yet be offended.  David offended Micah when he was dancing before the LORD so we would be in good company if our praise led to a rebuke.  The beauty of the last 18 months is that I have experienced praise in many settings and often times it was of God.  It might not have been my cup of tea but I joined in because it was genuine praise.  Praise is like going into the closet and picking out the clothes you want to wear according to my mom, we put on the garment of praise that is comfortable for us.  Good teaching from the platform will educate new comers to what is happening and why it is biblical.

Let me encourage you to be you.  Since taking my wife's advice there has been a burdened lifted as I am who I am not trying to please anyone but my God.  I minister the way God has gifted me, I pray the way the Holy Spirit has taught me, and I serve the way Jesus has called me.  Just be you and serving the LORD will become much easier.