Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

During these festive days people glibly say Merry Christmas with little thought of the true meaning of Christmas.  In our materialistic society these words often mean I sure hope you get alot of stuff or hope your Christmas is fun and full of joy.  Yet, for many, Christmas is just another day on the calendar with little in the way of possessions or fun and joy.  It is another day to survive the best that one can.  It is for this reason that I have had mixed emotions about Christmas and at times even dreaded the holiday season.  I see the hurt of parents or grandparents who cannot give anything to those that they love or the pain of Christmases past that are a reminder of hurt and abandonment.  Many people struggle with depression and rejection as carollers sing about a Silent Night because they don't know the peace of Jesus and they have not experienced God's love for mankind.    To me this is what Christmas is all about-the gift of a loving God, the very best gift possible, His own Son, who would forever remain with mere mortals as Immanuel, God with us.  There is no greater gift known to mankind than Jesus and the celebration of His birth is not limited to one day on the calendar but is to be celebrated every day.  Jesus truly is the gift that keeps on giving.  

I feel I am the most blessed man possible because I get to see God being revealed before my very eyes nearly every day.  This is living that abundant life Jesus talked about, this is kingdom living.  Each time I see Jesus show up I get to celebrate Christmas all over again.  While volunteering at Helping Hands this week I got to see Immanuel.  This wonderful ministry provided groceries, a meal, and gifts for seniors and children who would not have much this year.  What I love about ministries like Helping Hands is that their ministry takes place every day and is not limited to one or two dates on a calendar.  Hunger and desperation never take a day off and neither do they, nor should the Church!  So far the best present I have had  for Christmas is the hug of a grandfather named Mike.  Mike and his wife are raising their two grandsons and they were not going to be able to do much for Christmas.  To see Mike's eyes as I carried a box of toys towards their table was Christmas for me.  To have the blessing of hugging this man and pray for him, to see the kingdom of God being manifested before my eyes was the best Christmas possible.  It put all of my troubles and heartache in the rear view mirror.  It was like that each time I prayed or talked with someone Tuesday.  On Wednesday I took some cakes and cranberries to Open Door Ministry in High Point.  This ministry provides groceries, a shelter, and warm food to those in need.  Again, I got to see Immanuel in action and felt Him when I was hugged by a staff member.  Those that were there were very thankful of our small contribution to those in need.  When they said Merry Christmas they understood the meaning of their words.  Friday I met Chris who leads West End Ministry in High Point and again I got to see Immanuel in action.  They to do a great work for the least of these.  They feed 60-70 children a warm meal three days a week, hand out groceries, provide housing  for homeless women, operate a  thrift store and provide many other services to the community.

Jesus said, the kingdom of God is within us (Luke 17:21).  Each time we serve someone else, pray with them, love them, and give them hope the kingdom of God is manifested, Immanuel.  We can have Christmas 365 days a year if we choose.  There is a world of hurting people within our reach and within us is the hope of Christmas.  May God bless you as you bless others, Merry Christmas


1 comment:

  1. Good word, thanks for sharing. God is whispering into mine and Janes heart some very similar things. God is on the move within the body re-defining what we (Christianity as a whole) call ministry. Real change is afoot. In my writing today I posed the question of what our ornaments would look like if they were selected from Isaiah 58. May every day be kingdom oriented and filled with His purpose!
