Friday, November 11, 2011

Market Place Ministry

Recently I was blessed with a temporary job for which I was very thankful.  The job itself was very menial and required no skills because all I had to do was scan badges.  For a period of eight very chilly days I stood at the back of two buildings greeting people as they came and went scanning their badges.  All types of people attend this event from all over the world and the experience was wonderful because during that time the Holy Spirit either taught me something or reminded me of a truth.

The first lesson was to learn to be content in everything.  Because I viewed this job as a blessing it kept me from thinking, "here I am with all this education doing a job anyone could do." Someone made the comment to me about how boring the job must be and I responded it was like watching paint dry except for the people.   As I stood at my post for those eight days I watched the world walk by me.  There were those that were obviously affluent, others just getting by, and others were very poor looking for help.  This is a reminder that Jesus came for all people and not just some.  For eight days I had the opportunity to truly watch the leaves of the trees across the street change colors which was a reminder of how everything praises God and daily his paint brush is actively at work in creation.  For eight days I was content because God's hand was in that place.

Second, I had the blessing of seeing the goodness of people in action towards me.  On one particularly chilly morning one gentleman offered me his overcoat because he thought I looked cold.  Each day one of the ladies who was working would bring me pecan pastries from her company to drink with the coffee that a caterer would give me to warm me up.  If there was left over food the same caterer would bring me a plate that had been served to customers and sales staff.   Different ones offered to get me a drink or told me to help myself to a cup of coffee or water any time I wanted.  Most people are good hearted.

Even though it was a temporary job this place where God placed me turned into a ministry.  It was not a matter of telling anyone that I was a minister or a follower of Jesus, it was just loving and respecting each person regardless of their station in life or even their lifestyle.  We do not have to be religious, yuck, we just have to follow Jesus and love people.  People will know that you are different not because of a cross you wear but because of the peace, joy, and love they see in you.  As I was standing there each day the Holy Spirit would whisper, "I want you to pray this way for this person or this is the need in that person's life".  Nothing more profound other than listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and being obedient.  In that time God even would give me a word for someone that I was able to bring forth in a non-threatening over spiritualized way that was accurate and received, that brought glory to God.  There were others that I would have the opportunity to pray with as I developed relationships by being friendly, holding doors, and being of help beyond what the job required.  As I was being friendly every day and just being me, finding common ground with different people regardless of position, from janitors to company owners and presidents, it created an opportunity for me to share my story, not because I forced it because they asked.  There were multiple people who would share the problems their pastor or church faced and I was able to share some wisdom and suggest ways how they could help their church or pastor.  This only happened after a number of days of being friendly and helpful to every person I saw.   By the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony Satan is overcome (Rev 12:11 my translation).  I found that my story ministered to individuals and often times would bless them.  One gentleman after hearing my story and heart for those in need gave me a check to be used as I saw fit. This money was forwarded to a local ministry that feeds the hungry.  I share this because each of us have a story and ministry is far beyond the walls of the church. 

Finally, this job was a reminder that there are no insignificant people in God's kingdom.  I had no authority, no title, and no status.  Some people would look past me as if I did not exist, did not matter, and they wanted to act if I was a non-entity, ignoring me.  This did not keep me from speaking to them or being helpful each time I saw them but rather gave me the opportunity to pray blessings for them in my spirit.  These folks were definitely in the minority and need a touch of heaven.  In the Father's world everyone is significant and is created in His image.  There is no one who should be ignored and brushed past.  How easy is it in the church to ignore the least of these?  Scripture exhorts us time and time again to treat each person with dignity and respect, to submit to one another, and to love each person.  Yet, even in the church, we show preferential treatment.  Let us begin to have the eyes of Jesus and the heart of the Father to see each person as special in God's sight.

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