Friday, December 2, 2011

Save Yourself

One of the things I have always wrestled with is, why can I pray with people and see the answer to their prayer needs, yet, in my own life I don't see the same thing happening?  Over the years I have seen  people healed, families reconciled, financial blessings coming forth, etc.  At the same time I pray for the healing of myself or family members, praying for family relations or tight finances and the answer seems slow in coming or non-existent.  In those moments it is easy to begin to doubt your own faith or anointing and questioning  God .  Inevitably someone will come along saying if you just had enough faith or if you prayed more or if you spent time fasting, whatever it may be that you are not doing enough of,  putting the burden on your lack of spirituality.  Doubt begins to creep in and the questioning of self as you wrestle in prayer and nothing seems to be happening .  Ministers are especially prone to this because they will stand before the people encouraging faith, trust, and prayer and yet they are not seeing the results in their own lives.  We cry out why not me Father what is wrong with me, where are you?

This morning as I was pondering this mystery I began to think back to when Jesus was on the cross and the mockers yelled at him saying, "He saved others; let Him Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God." (Luke 23:35 NKJV)  Friend can you hear the cry of the mocker who says, if he truly is the anointed of God, the servant of the LORD, then let his prayers save him.  Let his body be healed, let his financial need be met, let his family live in peace, if he is truly a follower of Christ.  Can you hear the seed of doubt being planted in the mind and soul of the believer?  This seed of doubt could cause one to question their anointing, their hearing the voice of God, their faith, and tragically for some, even their belief in Jesus.

So what is a possible explanation of why the prayers of the anointed are at times seemingly bouncing off of  heavens of brass, getting nowhere?  Maybe, just maybe, God is using this time of  struggle as an example to others of perseverance, faith, and obedience regardless of the outcome of prayer.  Jesus set before us the model that we should follow because we are to imitate him.  Jesus could have saved Himself but He chose to hang on the cross for our sake.  He was being obedient to the Father.  An African American pastor by the name of Curtis in Hamlet impacted my life by what he modelled.  He is one of the reasons that I preach and teach with passion.  I heard Curtis preach his mother's funeral the same day he got out of the hospital after having surgery for cancer.  I cannot always remember the titles of my sermons but I will never forget the message Curtis brought forth, "What Time Is It?"  I told the Father I wanted to be that kind of preacher, just like Curtis.  One day as I was sitting with Curtis as he was having a blood transfusion.   During that time, as we shared together, he told me that he knew he was going to die but that he was going to teach his church how to die with dignity, with joy in his heart, and praising God until he went home.  Curtis did not lack faith, he was a righteous man and his prayers were powerful, availing much, yet he died.  Jesus said of the apostle Paul that he would suffer much for the name of Jesus.  Paul a man of faith, prayer, and obedience, set before us an example of rejoicing in the midst of the trial.  Consider for a moment that the reason for the lack of answered prayer has nothing to do with us but this is God's good and perfect plan that we might not be able to comprehend.  God turns everything to good.  Let me challenge you a little more, maybe God has faith in us that  we will get through to the other side of the trial in victory.  In the story of Job God asked satan, have you considered My servant Job?  God knew Job would get through his long dark night of the soul without cursing God or denying His existence.  Curtis endured his cancer with joy, completing the assignment God had thrust upon him, now standing before the throne of Jesus. 

Our unanswered prayers are not a sign of failure but rather an opportunity to walk out life before others with joy in our hearts, completely trusting in the promises of God.   These times of tribulation will pass and our hearts purified as we trust and believe.  It is in the midst of wrestling with God that the mysteries of heaven are revealed.

May God bless you and if you find yourself in this season of wrestling with God be encouraged, God is preparing you for the next level.

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