Friday, January 27, 2012

So What?

One of my concerns for the Church is about the generation that is being raised-up today and the generations that will follow them.  I wonder if in our selfishness that we are really looking out for the best interest of those that will follow us.  Are we willing to learn their language, the forms of communication they use, the style of teaching that works best, etc.  Or, is our attitude that of, if it was good enough for me and my parents then it is good enough for them.  Once, I was in a setting with pastors and future church leaders and I heard a conversation taking place between two older women.  The conversation went something like this, 'Can you believe that churches are allowed to have dance in their services?  Why doesn't someone in authority put an end to such worldly practices.  I know, and what about those churches that are doing this contemporary music instead of using the old hymns just to attract these younger people.  They let them come in with tattoos, piercings, not dressed right for church, and long hair.  Somebody needs to do something about these pastors who aren't following the old ways.'  As I was listening to this conversation a righteous indignation began to rise up in me and I could not remain silent.  As I began to address these two women in love and grace the room got very quiet.  I addressed all of their complaints about pastors like me.  We are trying to touch this younger generation for Jesus.  As for me I did not care how they came dressed for church I just wanted them there so they could hear the Word of God.  It was not my job to get the outward appearance right my job was to wash them with the Word, to love them, lead them to Christ and disciple them.  If that meant dance could be used as a form of worship so be it, David danced.  If that meant that we used more contemporary songs great,  I was for all that.  As long as we never compromised the Gospel we should do whatever it takes to reach these young people.  I will admit I could not resist one last zing, a lot of the songs that are in the old hymn books are not scripturally correct and many of them are not glorifying to God but about what we got, that many of the more contemporary songs are using scripture in their chorus.     

The other thing that concerns me for future generations is, are we leaving them a biblical model to follow when it comes to loving the Father, and following Jesus?  We have not shared the full counsel of God.  So often times we only teach on aspect of the truth of God's Word.  What we teach often times is more about what makes us feel good about ourselves rather than where we fall short and how do we, through the Holy Spirit, go to the next level.  Are we teaching them that we are truly a priesthood of believers serving both God and others?  Or are we more concerned about how God and others can serve us meeting our needs?  Are we concerned about the consequences of our actions on future generations?

One of the most selfish examples statements in the Bible belongs to a good king, Hezekiah.  In Isaiah 39 Hezekiah shows the Babylonian envoys all of his riches and armament. Isaiah goes to him and declares to him that all of these treasures will be carried to Babylon along with his sons who will be made eunuchs in the king of Babylon's palace.  His response is very telling, "At least there will be peace and truth in my days."  In other words, so what.  No repentance, no sorrow, no contrition just, so what, I have had mine.  I am afraid that is the attitude of some in the church towards younger generations, I have had mine and I am not concerned for their future.  Paul said there were many teachers but few fathers, let the fathers and mothers of this generation rise up and declare that we are concerned for future generations and we will do what is necessary to see the kingdom of God expand through prayers and ministry.

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